tending to women’s bodies, hearts & wombs
Hi, I’m Joëlle
I am a Postpartum Doula, Integrative Womb Hara Massage Therapist and natural medicine enthusiast. I am incredibly passionate about women’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. I believe that being a woman is the most spectacular gift, and I am devoted to nurturing, supporting and advocating for women through the childbearing continuum. My areas of interest and expertise are optimising female health and physiology, natural medicine, the menstrual cycle, preconception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
I haven’t always loved being a woman. My childhood was traumatic and challenging – I suffered through a number of adverse child experiences and I felt like I was constantly at war with myself, battling chronic and acute illnesses as well as suffering from a number of mental health conditions. I lost my menstrual cycle for 6 years. I was so disconnected from my body, my femininity, my pure, innocent essence. During my teens, holding onto one last shred of hope, I decided I wasn’t going to settle for this miserable existence. I embarked on a monumental healing journey that led me to explore every modality under the sun and ultimately return home to myself.
Read more about my story here.
My Offerings
Traditional Postpartum Care
Nurturing and supporting Mothers and families through mother-centred postpartum care grounded in ancient wisdom and modern science
Integrative Womb Hara Massage
Tending to women’s bodies, hearts and wombs through intentional, transformative, devotional bodywork
Nourishing Postpartum Meals
Nourishing Mothers with traditional, nutrient dense meals prepared with the pillars of postpartum health and healing in mind
Mother Blessing Ceremony
The Mother Blessing is a beautiful ceremony centred around honouring and celebrating the Mother, commemorating the rite of passage a woman moves through as she transitions from Maiden to Mother
Read more about my offerings here.
“when we centre the wellbeing of the Mothers, we are also centring the wellbeing of the children, our future generations”
— Rachelle Garcia Seliga