My Journey

Hi, I’m Joëlle. 

Cancer Sun, Libra Rising, Leo Moon.
6/2 Manifesting Generator. 

I am a Postpartum Doula, Integrative Womb Hara Massage Therapist and natural medicine enthusiast. I am incredibly passionate about women’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. I believe that being a woman is the most spectacular gift, and I am devoted to nurturing, supporting and advocating for women through the childbearing continuum. My areas of interest and expertise are optimising female health and physiology, natural medicine, the menstrual cycle, preconception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 

I haven’t always loved being a woman. My childhood was traumatic and challenging – I suffered through a number of adverse childhood experiences and I felt like I was constantly at war with myself, battling chronic and acute illnesses as well as suffering from a number of mental health conditions. I lost my menstrual cycle for 6 years. I was so disconnected from my body, my femininity, my pure, innocent essence. During my teens, holding onto one last shred of hope, I decided I wasn’t going to settle for this miserable existence. I embarked on a monumental healing journey that led me to explore every modality under the sun and ultimately return home to myself. 

I studied nutritional medicine at university and uncovered a whole world of support that existed outside of the allopathic medical system. I believe the medical system has its place in our world, however our population has grown dependent on it because it thrives on illness, not wellness. I felt so let down and disempowered by the system that was supposedly there to help me. I became a devoted practitioner and teacher of yoga and meditation, and this is when things in my life really started to change. It felt like I was birthing a new body and mind from the inside out. I went on to work as a mental health support worker for disadvantaged and at-risk children in regional NSW. I also completed a coaching certification and worked with a number of women, supporting them to step into the most vibrant, radiant, expansive and authentic version of themselves.

As I continued to evolve and find peace within myself and deepen my love and reverence for my inherent feminine nature, I simultaneously fell in love with working with women. It became crystal clear to me that this was my path.

I moved to the Northern Rivers of New South Wales and was suddenly immersed in a world of holistic health, conscious conception, natural birth and motherhood that I had never before seen or been exposed to. I fell in love with women all over again. I naturally fell into support roles with friends who became pregnant, sitting with them and hearing their stories, witnessing their transformation from maiden to mother, cooking for them in postpartum. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, I felt right at home.

In typical Manifesting Generator fashion, I followed my desire and dove into the world of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I studied to become an Innate Traditions Postpartum Care Practitioner and completed a mentorship with local Northern Rivers Birthkeeper and Postpartum Doula, Carla Sage. I have also studied the art of traditional herbal medicine for postpartum including Moxibustion Therapy, completed my Integrative Womb Hara Massage Therapy certification with the Institute of Feminine Arts, as well as my ZenThai bodywork level 1 training. 

I am a lover of words, and I am also deeply moved and fascinated by what lies beyond the verbal plane of expression – the healing medicine that resides in presence, devotion, loving touch, acts of service and the holding of space. 

“When you touch something with deep awareness, you touch everything”
— Thich Nhat Hahn